Kenya Moore has some words for a couple of identified tresspasers who she says hopped the fence to get on her Moore Manor property.

Kenya’s newly constructed home was one of her main story lines in the recent season of Real Housewives of Atlanta and apparently, folks are interested in seeing her new digs up close. But rest assured, she’s not having it.

“I just had three muthaf*ckers come to my front door and knock on it. I didn’t know who they were. The climbed over my fence and came where I live. And thought it was a good idea to say ‘Hi Kenya’,” the reality star alleges in a new video.

“If you can find out where I live, please do,” she continues in her rant. “Because if you come over here, you’re gonna get a muthaf*ckin cap in your *ss.”

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Kenya went on to post a photo of said people on her property and offer a reward for anyone able to identify them:

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The alleged trespassers don’t seem to be worried, though. Check out their version of the story:

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Others have commented on Kenya’s video, questioning why she’d make the location of her home so public in the first place:

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IMAGE CREDIT: Getty, Instagram