black guy white people guilt angry monkey questions 5 pounds prank - black guy white people guilt angry monkey questions 5 pounds prank

Under the disguise of challenging people to a YouTube quiz the host of this video offers people the chance to win five pounds (we in England, son!) for getting all the answers to the quiz right.

The quiz is a little bit tricky, but only just enough to make you think it’s legit. The last question though…it’s um…yeah. Oh dear.

What can you say about this video?

Is it exploitative of white guilt? Yup.

Is it embarrassing for everyone involved? Yup.

Is it funny as f***? Sigh. Yes. Very much so.

The looks on people’s faces as they are suddenly faced with a situation they did not see coming is fascinating. Some stand their ground. Some run. But all reaction with such genuine discomfort it’s really quite a brilliant, if not perturbing, prank set up and social study.

Anthropologists and social scientists, grab your notebooks first.

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