Have any of you ever seen a video of sheep being killed by wolves or other predators. I’ll spare you the actual visuals (though there is a fascinating documentary about Caucasian Shepherds used to protect sheep from wolves and other predators). The moral of the story is that the sheep stay bunched together as the wolves kill them one by one. They make no attempt to run away even as they clearly hear and see the wolves killing their families and friends right in front of their eyes; seemingly, placidly and patiently awaiting their turn.

The demeaning expression that people are mindless followers like sheep took on a whole new meaning following the exhausting coverage and subsequent outcome of the 2016 US Presidential elections. I always understood that people, in general, were just followers, but witnessing how easy it was to control the minds of the masses with false news stories, unsubstantiated rumors and innuendos and the acceptance of just blatant, easily verifiable lying, made me understand my insistence for honor, truthfulness as well as facts has been so misguided. READ MORE