About two months ago, a Trump supporter was caught screaming at a couple of Black Michael’s employees in Chicago. Somehow, we’re not surprised and it also doesn’t come as a shock that the 29-year-old, Jennifer Boyle, continues to stand behind everything she said. Apparently her rant began when one of the cashiers tried to charge her for a reusable bag. She claimed she was discriminated against and that one employee mumbled she must have voted for Trump, but the employee denied ever saying that to the woman.

“And I voted for Trump!” she yells in the video. “You want to kick me out because of that? And look who won! Look who won!” she continues. She also eventually calls the store manager an animal.

“I’ve been discriminated against twice by you,” she said in November. “This woman came around and screamed at me from across the goddamn store like an animal. You screamed at me from across the store like you were in your own living room. You’re an animal.”

Now, the Lakeview resident tells NBC Chicago what she feels was the real issue. “This wasn’t about race, this was not about political views,” she said before adding, “This was about very poor customer service and being told to leave without warning.”

Boyle says that after her rant went viral, she dealt with a lot of negative commentary online. Her personal information – email, phone number, and address – were all published on social media, at which point she reportedly dealt with “lewd emails and phone calls while vandals left messages like ‘Make racists afraid again’ spray-painted on her sidewalk.”

She does admit she could have handled the situation differently, but what’s funny is a few months before the Michaels incident, she ranted at a Peet’s Coffee – so maybe this is just her thing? “I wish I would have just been above, cooler heads prevail, been above reproach and would have just left and called corporate like I did do on Friday,” she said of what happened at Michaels. “I really believe it was fight or flight kicked in and I felt that I needed to defend myself.”

Tweet us your thoughts and see her full Michaels rant and NBC interview above.

SOURCE: NBC Chicago, NY Daily News 

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