Alicia Keys has been speaking out against societal norms since she hit the music scene over 16 years ago. Today, the singer has the same message in a new form.
The artist recently sat down with Allure Magazine to speak out about how women and men are viewed. Keys claims women are often made to feel insecure in this society, while young men are told not to have feelings. She opened up to the mag about the inspiration for her new album Here, saying, “I was so sick of the way women were forced to feel inadequate in many different circumstances or forced to feel insecure by the way we’re portrayed or the way we look.”
Mom to sons Egypt and Genesis added, “I am so annoyed at the way we force boys to be fake strong — don’t cry, don’t be soft. Let a boy be able to dance! Let a boy paint his nails. So a boy wants to paint his nails. Who cares! All these strange, oppressive ideas.”
Do you agree with Ms. Keys? Find out what else she has to say in the February issue of Allure on stands now.
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