India.Arie is defending Chrisette Michele and pretty much nobody’s having it.
In an open letter she posted to Twitter, the soulful singer said that while she did not support Chrisette’s decision to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration, it is her choice.
“Agree or disagree with Chrisette , she is A HUMAN BEING – nuanced and multi dimensional. Give her a chance to be everything that she is, and YOU take a chance to remember – you’ve made missteps too,” India.Arie writes.
“Which is how I SEE this thing with Chrisette – a misstep. I think there is a deeper reason she decided to be there – and I think it was a career misstep.
Wanna be “WOKE” respect your fellow HUMAN beings. You NEVER know another persons whole story, we all deserve our journey without being abused by strangers for it. Thats BULLSHIT,” she continues as the letter begins to address the wrath that is Black Twitter.
Not surprisingly, social media took issue with the letter (which you can read in full here) and started going in, as per usual. See some scathing hot tweets below.
Gotdamn. What are your thoughts on India.Arie’s position? Tweet us.
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