She was one of the multiple arrests made outside Trump Towers.

Gwen Carr, formally known as Eric Garner’s mother, was among the 11 people arrested Tuesday night [January 31st] during a protest outside Trump Towers. Al Sharpton’s youngest daughter Ashley was also arrested.

After the unlawful death of Eric Garner by the hands of the NYPD, Carr has been a vocal advocate for the black youth by serving as the director of the National Action Network’s Youth Huddle group. She and other mothers who have lost their children to police brutality have publicly spoken against President Donald Trump. 

The reverend’s longtime spokeswoman, Rachel Noerdlinger, issued the following statement:

In an act of civil disobedience and in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Eric Garner’s mom and others were arrested tonight … over President Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch