If you didn’t pay your taxes, like Donald Trump, be prepared to face the consequences, unlike Trump.
According to the IRS, if you have seriously delinquent tax debt, the US Internal Revenue Service can notify the State Department and they will not issue or renew a passport. The FAST Act (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act) was passed by the Congress and signed into law by President Obama in 2015, now, over a year later, the IRS has finally released new details on its website.
The purpose is to provide long-term funding for transportation projects, including new highways. Under US law a ‘seriously delinquent’ tax debt is defined as “an unpaid, legally enforceable federal tax liability” of more than $50,000, including interest and penalties. The IRS says that certifications of the taxpayers’ information will begin in early 2017.
The revenue service released a statement on their website, saying, “Upon receiving certification, the State Department may revoke your passport. If the department decides to revoke it, prior to revocation, the department may limit your passport to return travel to the US. There is no grace period for resolving your debt before the State Department revokes an existing passport.” To get off the list, one should prove that the debt is fully satisfied, is legally unenforceable or is not a seriously delinquent tax debt under the statute.
What an interesting time to be alive.
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