Everyone from social justice warrior Deray to GlobalGrind exec Detavio has been tweeting about #StrandedBae, the still unclear story of a late Valentine’s date gone horribly wrong.
The drama between @__iamqueenk and @kashmoneykanee is trending thanks to the clever hashtag. But unlike the estranged couple behind last week’s #HurtBae, these lost love birds have completely conflicting stories that would require depositions and cross examinations to fully sort through.
Mr. Kanee’s alleged crimes include extreme simping (he claims flew her out because he didn’t spend Valentine’s Day alone, got her face screen printed on a t-shirt and said he loved her in multiple messages) and followed by ruthless macking (after learning she was getting evicted, he shrugged, dropped her at the airport and was seen partying on Snapchat with other women while ignoring her calls). Queen K also posted video of what looks like a mouse running through her host’s apartment.
Queen K’s reported transgressions are highlighted by the extremely irresponsible decision to fly to a strange city and stay with a stranger without any extra money or back up plans. Other tweeters have also stepped in to report that Queen K pulled similar scams on them, taking advantage of traditional kindness and chivalry to escape her unstable financial situation.
For now, you can look at the evidence yourself and (attempt) to come to your own conclusion.
Here’s her side of the story:
And here’s his:
Other Twitter users who claim to have interacted with Queen K are supporting his version of events. @LilMotorByke went so far as to reactivate his account after a multi-year hiatus to explain how his romance with #StrandedBae ended with a restraining order.
But wait, there are more alleged victims of #StrandedBae’s jug.
Yes, there are already Twitter accounts set up for @StrandedBae and the mouse that ruined this budding romance. There’s even a page that claims to belong to Queen K’s mom. Most signs point to the mom’s page being fake, that’s didn’t stop Twitter from enjoying her back and forth with the mouse’s @HurtMouse Twitter page and roasting her daughter’s estranged lover for resembling Bobby Brown. Why she’s not more concerned with her daughter’s living situation Ian another story completely, but it supports the suggestion that mom’s page isn’t legit.
As Twitter’s special investigators attempt to dig up the full truth behind #StrandedBae, this messy situation should serve as a lesson to everyone about the risks of seeking romance on social media.
PHOTO: Getty