George ZimmermanThere has been opposition to George Zimmerman’s “celebrity” boxing match ever since it was announced.  Boxing promoter Damon Feldman announced that Zimmerman would be fighting rapper DMX.  It was later revealed that the announcement was premature and DMX hadn’t officially agreed to anything nor had he signed any paperwork.

Nonetheless the opposition continued as people damned Feldman for growing Zimmerman as a “celebrity” and putting money in the pocket of the man who killed unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin.  Although some people would love to see Zimmerman hurt as “revenge” this was seen as a big opportunity in his favor.

People continued to fight against it, signing petitions and basically living in Feldman’s Twitter mentions.  Well it’s all worked out as Feldman announced via his Twitter account that the fight is cancelled.



If you go to Feldman’s page he also mentions looking at his kids and thinking of the pain people must be in.  He also says there’s more to life than making money.

DMX’s publicist also released this statement in regard to the canceled fight.

“Damon Feldman has announced that the George Zimmerman fight is cancelled via his Twitter. As previously stated, DMX never agreed to the fight and we thank you for all of the support from DMX’s fans. This situation will not affect any of DMX’s upcoming concerts in America or around the world.” ~Domenick Nati (Nati Celebrity Services)

Thank you for canceling the fight.

– Shaina Auxilly (@Shay_Marie)