How many of you women have actually taken the time to do research on the man you are dating? How many of you feel funny about asking a man personal questions, even if it is beneficial to your safety and happiness? How many of you gave up the pussy without knowing where he lives and who he lives with? How many of you done sucked a dick but in turn feel afraid to ask him when was the last time he got an HIV test? How many of you are more concerned with coming off as nosy and what he will think of you if you inquire, more than you are concerned about your safety and health? How many of you feel as if you rather not know because you might get turned off from such a “good thing.”

There is no such thing as asking too many questions. You have the right to ask a man anything you please! He won’t like it, but he will respect you more for it. We are grown ass people, it’s not right for a man who is interested in you to only provide you with his street name or childhood name. The first thing you need to know about this man is his full name. As adults, introduce yourself with your government, you will almost certainly get his government in return. Now, if he doesn’t provide a last name or even a real first name and offers his “street” name or whatever, he clearly has something to hide. He can be a fugitive, a pedophile or some kind of whack job or he can simply be married. Ask to see ID if you’re really on your job. Know who you’re sitting across the table from, protect your neck ladies! Once he gives you his name, excuse yourself to the rest room and go Google his ass. Find out who is sitting across from you cracking open crab legs all willy nilly. Find his Facebook profile, see who his friends are, what he’s about, go to Inmate Look-up, check the sex offender’s registry, and see what’s really good with your “him.” You should ask him where he lives, who he lives with, where he grew up, where’s his family from, what he does for a living and how long he was doing it and what he was doing before that. This is all first date conversation which should determine if there will be a second date.

You should not be smiling, batting your eyes or doing anything if you don’t even have the basic information on this man. So what he look good and smell good, that doesn’t mean a damn thing when you wind up in a large dumpster with your panties around your ankles. Don’t think for one second Detective Benson and Stabler will be around to save your ass. Ask questions and be provided with proof and the truth from day one ladies!

Be Great!


Deputy Editor of Don Diva Magazine/Author

The post Who You Wit? appeared first on Don Diva Magazine.