25 killed during deadly protest in Ukraine

TheSource.com, The SourceA protest in Central Kiev, Ukraine left approximately 25 people killed and at least 241 injured, according to the Washington Times. While in attendance at the protest camp in Kiev today, Viktor Yanukovych, the president of Ukraine, placed the blame behind the deadly incident that took place between protesters and riot police on opposition leaders.

While the violence that occurred yesterday is said to have been the worst in nearly three months of anti-government protests, it is the worst in Ukraine’s post-Soviet history.

The violent protests initially began in late November after Yanukovych rejected a highly-anticipated deal with the European Union in exchange for a $15 million bailout with Russia. The violence made its way to Ukraine once more on Tuesday when protesters struck police lines and began setting fires outside of parliament, all the while accusing Yanukovych of ignoring their requests to enact constitutional reforms that would decrease his power.

In return Yanukovych blamed opposition leaders, stating that they “crossed a line when they called people to arms.

I again call on the leaders of the opposition … to draw a boundary between themselves and radical forces which are provoking bloodshed and clashes with the security services. If they don’t want to leave (the square) — they should acknowledge that they are supporting radicals. Then the conversation with them will already be of a different kind.

According to the Health Ministry, of the 25 people that were killed during the protests, some were killed from gun wounds and that Kiev hospitals are currently fighting to treat the hundreds that were injured.

– Antionette Latrese (@_ALatrese)