Movies R Fun

The new book, Movies R Fun, allows kids to experience terrifying grown up movies at a young age within the safety of the home environment.

Probably driven by an identity crisis that only an adult employee of a children’s animation studio could understand, Josh Cooley (a story supervisor at Pixar Animation Studios) created the book Movies R Fun!: A Collection Of Cinematic Classics For The Pre-(Film) School Cinephile. Not every child can be a cinephile – AKA a gaunt, beret-wearing child named Oscar, regardless of gender – but every child can enjoy this book, thanks to vibrantly illustrated scenes of classic films like Rosemary’s Baby, The Silence Of The Lambs, The Shining, and Se7en.

Don’t be deterred by publications like TIME suggesting this book is meant to be read only by adults. Kids are going to watch these films on their iPads anyway—wouldn’t you rather discuss cinematography, themes, and a film’s cultural impact in the safety of the home environment? With the Motion Picture Association of America prudishly cracking down on media consumption through ratings, books like this might be the last true haven for cultural criticism and analysis amongst youngsters.

Check out the informative book trailer below.

Movies R Fun! by Josh Cooley

– Scott Randell (@DefinedByMvsic)