pizza delivery guy third floor window - pizza delivery guy third floor window - pizza delivery guy third floor window - pizza delivery guy third floor window

In America the pizza is probably the fourth food group behind cheeseburgers, french fries and strawberry shakes (it’s science). With this time-honored position comes a lot responsibility for those that bring the pie to your door.


Do you smell a setup with this video? You probably should. How on earth could the people recording across the street know that the pizza guy was going to throw a pizza up to a third floor window?

The funny still rolls though. The skilled pizza guy managed to get the pizza to into the hands of his charge in one throw.

The beloved pizza man has had many an adventure, however. Many thanks to the internet for chronicling them so thoroughly.

Sometimes people play cool pranks with pizza delivery guys.

Sometimes, not so cool.

Some pizza delivery guys, however, aren’t so virtuous.

And others are downright scandalous.

This guy occupies his own dimension though.