
Liu Bolin, also known as “The Invisible Man”, is a Chinese artist who actually blends seamlessly into backgrounds of all sorts, from store isles to buildings on the street. While he’s in form, you could easily walk by him (and even look for him), and not notice he’s there. He has a small team of painters who help him, but at times, he even paints himself using a mirror and a picture of the background! I am all for artists taking street art creativity to the next level and Liu is accomplishing just that. Check out a few pictures from Liu’s collection after the jump.

What’s also interesting is how this project started; it was a means for Liu to express his opposition in the Chinese government’s destruction of Beijing artist village – Suo Jia Cun – in November 2005, where Liu resided. The artist wanted to exemplify that art still remains and, sometimes, it is right in front of us. It cannot be tamed, so to speak.