Natalie Guercio, Mob WivesNatalie Guercio says she’s very unhappy with the way her single “Delicious” has been handled.  

When we premiered the track “Delicious” from Natalie Guercio of Mob Wives and Philly rapper/actor Ryan Banks (HBO’s The Wire), Natalie was wrapping up filming and was unable to do any interviews because of her schedule.

Now that filming has wrapped (the season finale of Mob Wives was last week), Natalie had the time to open up about what’s really been happening behind the scenes.

“I know that sometimes on the show, it may look like I’m being a troublemaker,” Natalie said.  ”But the truth is, I’m really not.  I’m just doing, what a lot of people in that situation would do—I’m sticking up for my friend and myself.  For example, the episode with Renee (Graziano) and the Twitter thing–I wasn’t randomly attacking Renee on Twitter.  She totally twisted that around when she called Alicia (DiMichele).  Renee and Karen (Gravano) were on Twitter bashing Alicia and her husband–that’s why I said something to her.  This isn’t the first time Renee has twatted on twitter and attacked Alicia and myself. I’m tired of the fake apologies and continued ‘DIGS’. Even though Alicia is a grown woman and she can handle/defend herself, I will always defend my friends no matter what.  Especially her husband, who is incarcerated and has no voice right now. ”

Unfortunately, since starting the show, Renee isn’t the only person Natalie has fallen out with.

She’s also going through it with Ryan Banks, the former friend and rapper who is on the “Delicious” track with her.

Natalie says that she believes Banks has crossed too many lines and has gone behind her back to promote the track multiple times without involving her.

“People think because I’m new to this type of business–the entertainment industry–that they can jerk me around and take advantage of me.  I’m not going to let that happen.  I’m a smart business woman.  I do, after all, run a company,” she said.

“The ‘Delicious’ track started out as a way to turn a negative situation into something fun, upbeat, and positive.  It’s a fun, ‘feel good,’ club song.  I wanted to have fun with it.  I wasn’t trying to grab a buck off of it.  The miscommunication began when the original contract was drawn and there were some terms I didn’t agree with, like ownership of potential business ventures with the word ‘Delicious’ in it. I was kind of shocked by that and I felt taken advantage of. You know? I felt like I was being used or something. It bothered me that Ryan was promoting the song, regardless of the fact that I couldn’t be there because of scheduling conflicts. The worst part of it though, is that I’m hearing that Ryan has involved friends of mine and has gone as far as contacting VH1 without my consent. Basically, the bottom line is, when I put my name on something, I like it to be perfect. So it’s frustrating for me that someone else is trying to take over, despite my feelings, views and ideas. This song is something I believe in and worked really hard on. I want it to come out my way.”

The two no longer speak, although from Banks’ behavior, that isn’t apparent.

“He’s blocked,” Natalie revealed.  ”I blocked him from Twitter, Instagram, everything.  The only communication happening between us is my lawyer and my manager talking to his manager.”

The video for “Delicious” was slated by Banks to premiere last Thursday, after the season finale.

Natalie didn’t find out until two nights before the video’s scheduled debut.

Within a day of her discovery, an attorney for Natalie asked Banks and his manager to delay premiering the video until the after the reunion.

“I don’t even want to release the video anymore.  I’m over it,” she said.


April Dawn (@scarlettsinatra)