Steve Elkington calls out NFL player Michael Sam
Steve Elkington, Michael Sam, homophobia, twitterIt has been a floating rumor now that the NFL is planning on banning homophobic talk and racial slurs on the field during games but that does not mean sports players will adhere to this off the field. PGA tour player, Steve Elkington, who is no stranger to being a source of nonfiltered comments, took to Twitter today to make comments on his thoughts of Michael Sam. Sam recently told the media that he is in fact homosexual. If drafted in May to the NFL, he will be the first homosexual football player to be up front with his sexuality.

Steve Elkington had this to say on his Twitter today:

steve elkington, twitter, homophobia

Why did Steve post this? Simply because he did not approve of ESPN covering Michael Sam so heavily recently. He then afterwards took to Twitter to say that he did not mind watching ESPN cover Michael Sam, just minded the fact that ESPN was telling him that Michael is homosexual.

Needless to say, Twitter is now upset with Steve Elkington and are not letting his comments go unnoticed. Even though the tweets seem a little backwards; one minute he seems homophobic the other he is upset with ESPN, we think that Steve Elkington should give the homophobic comments a rest.


Meashel Monique (@meashelmonique)