Family sues Petco Animal Supplies Inc. following the tragic loss of their son.

A San Diego family will take legal action against Petco following the death of their 10-year old son. The boy died of ratbite fever from a pet rat they bought from Petco last summer.Petco, Family, Law Suit, Son, Rat Bite

Attorney John Gomez told The Associated Press on Tuesday that his firm filed the lawsuit Monday in San Diego County seeking an unspecified amount for the suffering endured by the Pankey family. The boy, Aidan, died June 12, 2013, hours after he was rushed to the hospital with severe stomach pains.

The San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office ruled the death of the 10-year-old boy accidental. He died from streptobacillus moniliformismore commonly known as ratbite fever, after contact with an infected rat, spokeswoman Sarah Gordon said.

Petco released a statement on the situation.

“We are deeply saddened by the Pankey family’s tragic loss,” Petco said. “The health and safety of people and pets is always a top priority, and we take the family’s concerns very seriously.”

The family is looking to sue Petco in order to raise awareness among other unsuspecting parents. The bacterial infection that the boy received following the exposure to the infected rat was an accident that the San Diego family doesn’t want to see happen again. We cannot imagine what the family is going through at this time and we hope they remain strong in this unfortunate situation.

-Patrick Hazel (@pattywack25)