According to Kanye, “everything in the world is exactly the same.” In his appearance on last night’s episode of Late Night with Seth Meyers, the divisive music legend dug into the fashion world for not accepting his latest designs. Haven’t we heard the same thing about his music? Is it really the same?

West accused fashionistas of stereotyping him as a “celebrity.” In other words, a good musician doesn’t make a good a designer. For my money, Kanye’s got a valid defense. Who says you can’t be good at both? Unfortunately for him, he can only seem to talk about it in garbled Kanye speak:

“I have synesthesia. I can see sound. So when I do fashion, I want to give you sculptures. It’s like Michaelangelo. The church wanted him to paint, and he wanted to do sculptures.”

His personality has eclipsed his message, again. What Ye’s saying makes sense: years in the studio, arriving at last year’s brilliant Yeezus, have certainly steered him into the darker, weirder waters of music. Who’s to say that strangeness can’t translate to equally fresh fashion? The masses say so, apparently- the nameless people telling Kanye:

“No you can’t do this. You have to do this kind of line.”

Kanye’s refusal to compromise is great when it makes songs called “Black Skinhead” and “I Am A God,” but he put in the hard work to grow his music before he could do those songs. He had to wade through “Gold Digger,” “Jesus Walks,” and other radio-friendly earworms for years to earn enough cred to stand behind his bat-shit crazy new stuff. We’d like to see a Kanye clothing line that demonstrates an understanding of fashion convention first. Let him silence the cynics with something for everyone. Then, maybe he can come out with the Michaelangelo stuff. Maybe it’ll even be applauded, but you have to prove that you understand the rules before we’ll trust you to break them. Watch the whole Kanye West rant and draw your own conclusions.

Maybe Late Night with Seth Meyers isn’t the best place to get on the soapbox about hyper-critical fashion icons. At 12:30 they’re all out partying anyway, and they’ll probably be out for a while.

The post There’s a New Kanye West Rant appeared first on Don Diva Magazine.