
It’s a party (3x)

Now this innovative. Not that we support it. But if you’re going to steal liquor, shoplifting it from your local wine & spirits store hardly seems the place to really hit it big.

Try a tank of the stuff.

CBS Baltimore reported yesterday that half a million dollars worth of Hennessy, the insanely popular cognac, was inside of a container sitting in a shipyard.

The thieves cut a lock on a fence, backed a truck into the yard, and were able to hook the truck onto the container and make off with, give or take, $514,000 dollars worth of Hennessy.

Yet and still, the story gets more bizarre. The following is a direct quote from CBS Baltimore.

Then nine days after the heist, detectives found the truck and the trailer abandoned on the intersection of West Monroe and Mulberry streets. When detectives opened the trailer, the booze was gone.