A Haunted House 2Marlon Wayans’ spoof horror film “A Haunted House 2″ hits theaters this Friday, April 18, 2014.

The Source Magazine sat down with the film’s star Jaime Pressly to discuss playing Marlon’s girlfriend.

Marlon Wayans is so funny in this film, what was it like playing opposite him in “A Haunted House 2″?

He and I have known each other for about 15 years, and this is the first opportunity we’ve ever gotten to work together. It was a match made in heaven. It really was. We’re both high energy, and we both like to do something new every take, and when you do comedy like this, where you get to improv the majority of the time, it’s about trying to one-up each other, and that makes for a really great comedy. Because when you’re trying to get the other one to crack, or trying to see if the other one can match up or come back, or respond, it makes it that much more funny. Working with him is just great, he’s an energizer battery, so he keeps your energy up because he exudes it.

Tell me what scene was the most fun to shoot and why?

I would say the one that was the most fun was also the one that was the most difficult. It was a challenge. It was the days where we had Cedric. It was the set where we completely redid “The Conjuring” set when we’re doing the exorcism scene in the basement. So whenever Cedric came in there … he brought this new energy that we really needed because we had been working and working for weeks. So when he came in there, and we had been improving all day, it was nice to just have this fresh new energy come in, and then Missi Pyle and Hayes came in and it was just great.There were four of us that had been working together everyday, and Marlon and I kept trying to keep up the energy, and kept trying to come up with something new, really we did something new in every single take … Especially, Cedric there is nobody like him, there really is nobody like him, he deserves entertainer after his name, because he is by far one of the greatest of our generation, he really is. And not knowing what was going to come out of his mouth, he was the one person who got us to crack all at the same time, and normally there’s only one that cracks, he got us all to crack, he cracked everyone. He won. He won!

Tell me what was it like to look so amazing, but then Marlon’s character cheated on you with a doll?

My character didn’t realize that she was being cheated on, this wasn’t something that she was aware of. What my character was aware of was that Marlon was acting crazy, and my character doesn’t believe that it’s haunted, so it’s not until the end. Marlon’s character that was “What the hell is wrong with you?” … “What did you do?” … Marlon’s character is crazy and he’s flipping out, and he sees all this stuff that my character doesn’t see. Being as that I am playing this stereotypical character, which we all do, it was fun for me to play the completely oblivious girlfriend who thinks everything is fine and perfect.

Tell us, what are you working on next and what are we looking forward to seeing you in?

I have a new show called “Jennifer Falls” on TV Land, which is also where Cedric’s show “The Soul Man” airs and actually when filming this movie, I met Missy Pyle who I fell in love with and later cast as my best friend in my show. So she’s in it as well, I have Ethan Suplee playing my brother, and Jessica Walters playing my mother. We have an incredible cast and that debuts June 4 on TV Land, so working on that as well. Doing well. Happy.

-Chasity Saunders (@itsmechasity)