Her Source bookclub looks at Good Girls Always Fall For Bad Boys By Janaya Haney
Good Girls Always Fall For Bad Boys-The Source

Good Girls Always Fall For Bad Boys is written by Janaya Haney.

This is the debut of self-published author Janaya Haney. The book was  inspired by Haney’s parents. The main character Nilla James falls for Frank Miller, who is in the streets and let’s just say it’s chemistry that they can’t deny. I’m pretty sure that every woman have been through a phase where they just want a bad boy and Nilla can’t help the attraction that she has for Frank.

The book was laid out perfectly: in the beginning they were just getting to know each other, in the middle, they make it official as they made love to each other for the first time, and in the end, she stood by his side as he served 120 months in prison because of his lifestyle in the streets and has another child with him. In the end, we noticed that her son, Mo’e, is following in the footsteps of his father as he is arrested for the first time.

This is one book that I love the most because it’s the type of love story that I love to read about, rather than your typical urban book. I love how she describe the characters in a way that I could really picture. I’m pretty sure when you get the book, you will probably want a man like Frank. I would give this book two thumbs up because of how the plot plays out and its ultimate lesson that just becuase you live in the hood doesn’t mean that you can’t better yourself; Nilla was a great example as she fell for a man that was in the streets, but at the end of the day she changed her life for the better for her and her family.

The book is available in stores and online now. Make sure that you follow her on social media on Twitter at @Richmiliannovels and on Instagram at @Richmiliannovelsinstagram

-Matia (@ms_hip_hop)