Locking yourself out of your car is one of the stupidest things you can ever do. Ten times so if you’re black because you know folks will give you the side-eye the minute you walk up to any car without a key.

vince mcmahon rubs ear animated gif - vince mcmahon rubs ear animated gif

But if you’re gonna risk a visit from the Insta-Police you shouldn’t damage your car while trying to break back into it. That’s just madness.

Calling the towing company is a good idea, but they charge a li’l hefty for all that. So save your money. We got you covered with some techniques that only require stuff you already own (and maybe one thing you should actually buy)!


Plastic strap

9-volt battery and a wire


Slim Jim (go buy one for goodness’ sake)

Hanger and wooden or plastic doorstop


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