Ferguson is the trending topic of the week after the Michael Brown incident. Riots, protests, and rallies all for justice of the shooting have the city in a complete war zone. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has stepped in by responding to everything good or bad that has been occurring. He attempts to bring his city to peace by declaring a state of emergency and a curfew.
“If we’re going to have justice, we must first have and maintain peace,” Nixon said at a Saturday afternoon press conference. “The eyes of the world are watching.”
I’m not so sure citizens would abide or agree with his statement. The city feels unheard and the actions taking place are clearly to get a point across. Restricting the freedom that they are granted probably isn’t the best idea. When they are using military weapons and treating these people like animals trust that wasn’t in there in the first place beings to diminish.
Captain Ron Johnson of the Missouri State Highway Patrol says the curfew will run from midnight to 5 a.m. local time Sunday and will be enforced through conversations not tear gas and tanks.
“We will survive this and will make a change,” Johnson says.
Lets hope things go well, this could all make a turn for the worst or better.
Asada dosen’t think you should fight violence with violence, but then again who is she? Ha, follow her though @Sadablu