One of the distinctive features of the Beast Coast movement is their gnarly, relentless attack on the mic over smooth production. Whether it’s in your face, M.O.P. style like the Flatbush Zombies or the laid back, master guru tones of the Underachievers, their resolution in unquestionable. Today, three other emcees representing that sound, captures all of that. Presented by GIANI NYC, Dirty Sanchez (Pro.Era), YL (RRR), and JAB47 (Pro.Era) bring their platinum bars to finesse the Nova Jazz beat. You may know of Dirty as one of the founding members of Pro.Era, but get familiar with the other two emcees as well. YL is a Manhattan emcee of Real Recognize Real and JAB47 is one of the youngest member of Pro.Era. The track comes as one of the first GIANI NYC will be releasing in the near future. He also recently dropped a soccer jersey with artist/model David Alexander Flinn as part of his Giani Artist Series. You can check that out below and cop on HERE.

YL is currently working on Open 24, due 2015. Dirty and JAB47 are working on a 47 themed tape with Rokamouth and Jakk The Rhymer (47 having to do with peace and balance. The 4th and 7th chakra are the heart and crown.). And a word to the wise, don’t confuse the 47 movement’s logo with a swastika. But you already know that, since you see the stickers, tags, and tattooes, worldwide, right?



Bryan Hahn won’t be trespassing on any Pro.Era turf any time soon. He’s on Twitter (@notupstate).