Eric Garner’s death while in custody of the NYPD (New York Police Department) has been ruled a homicide by the Manhattan medical examiner’s office. Ronald Singleton, who also died in police custody 4 days before Eric Gardner.  Seems like New York may REALLY be seeking Justice in these two incidents of blatant police brutality. Hopefully Ferguson, MO will follow suit.

Eric Garner and Ronald Singleton Murdered by Police

Eric Garner being held in a choke hold by NYPD

Garner was seen in a cell phone video waving his hands in the air telling the police officers not to touch him.  Moments later, a police officer grabs Gardner and puts him in a choke hold, takes him down to the ground and then puts him on his stomach.

“I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!” Garner is heard saying repeatedly, his cries muffled into the pavement.

The cause of Garner’s death was “compression of neck (choke hold), compression of the chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police,” according to the medical examiner. The death was ruled a homicide.

Singleton, another black male, was taken into custody after a cab driver reported that he was acting crazy in the back of his cab. When approached by the police, Singleton became combative with the officers.  Singleton was placed in a “protective body wrap by the ESU officers,” the police statement said. Singleton, who was high on PCP, went into cardiac arrest and died while in the ambulance.

In declaring both deaths as homicides, the medical examiner’s offices are not suggesting a crime was committed, but is stating its conclusion that the intervention of the police played a role in the death. The examiners also sited that both men had other medical conditions that also contributed to their deaths. Both incidents are under investigation and should go before a grand jury in upcoming weeks.

The post Eric Garner and Ronald Singleton Deaths Ruled Homicide appeared first on Don Diva Magazine.