Junglepussy was that girl that you had an instant crush on in high school but you couldn’t figure out why for the love of Black Jesus. Your parents warned you about girls like her but maybe that’s what makes her so damn cool. She probably had more confidence than the varsity football team and clever disses that would make the Poetry Club and Knowledge Bowl team blush. And now, she’s rapping her way back into your adult heart. In her latest video off of her Satisfaction Guaranteed project, Junglepussy spends time writing about how you can’t fake real in her diary while imagining herself to be a priestess blessing her followers. Doesn’t sound too different from what she does with her raps.

And since she’s “2 TROPICAL 4 AMERICA,” I’m sure her last project will get you through this winter with no problem.

Bryan Hahn is ready for the winter. NOT. He’s on Twitter (@notupstate).