Technology is playing a key role in exposing crime and violence in our communities.  “Big Brother” is watching and over the last several weeks we have seen video footage of young African American men being shot and/or killed by law enforcement officers around the country.  From Michael Brown and Erick Garner, who have dominated the headlines to the young man shot in Walmart, it is no secret that our police officers need to be retrained because many believe they are out of control.

In order to improve relations between the Police and the community it is imperative that law enforcement leaders create new policies that will address the way African American Men are approached on the street.  Most crimes are solved through the eyes and ears of concerned community citizens who really want to take a bite out of crime, but that is not going to happen if Police Officers don’t come up with new ideas to regain the people’s trust and confidence.

To show you just how out of control things are we want you to take a look at a video where a Black Man was stopped for a seat belt violation while parked in a gas station and asked show his license and registration.  While following instructions he was shot at four times while doing exactly what the officer asked.  When we first saw the tape we could not believe what we were watching but this just goes to show how bad things are.  Without the eyes of technology this situation would have had a different ending.

It is our hope that our police, political and community leaders will work harder to fix this ongoing problem because there are lot of good Police Officers out there who truly want to do the right thing.  We can not allow the bad behavior of a few to destroy the integrity of those officers that abide by the law and are committed to improve public safety and relations with the African American Community.  CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO:


Former South Carolina Department of Public Safety officer Sean M. Groubert.

For more information on how the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council and their Rap 2 Bridge the Gap Project is working wit the New York City Police Department to improve relations with youth and young adults in schools and minority communities hit us up at

Posted by Charles and Randy Fisher (Twitter / FB / Instagram @HHSYC).