The hilarious comedy, “Horrible Bosses” is back with a sequel starring Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Jamie Foxx, Kevin Spacey, Chris Pine, Christoph Waltz.
The characters, Nick (Bateman), Dale (Day) and Kurt (Sudeikis) were fed up with their old bosses and decided to launch their own business in this sequel. Business was looking good when an angel investment blessed their company until the slick investor backs out last minute. Desperate to save their business,, the three entrepreneurs create a misguided plan to kidnap the investor’s son and put him under ransom in order to regain control of the company. Nick, Dale, and Kurt takes us on a hilarious ride in their adventure to regain their share of the company.
The film hits theaters on November 26, 2014.
-Vivian Chen