All good things come to end, well in this case it’s probably better to say all tumultuous relationships have strange, unexpected conclusions. Chief Keef, the face of Chicago’s Drill scene, has been dropped from Interscope Records, his label since his explosion of popularity in 2012. The unfortunate break up was initially announced from Keef’s twitter page, but was then officially announced from a spokesperson at Interscope.

The young rapper hasn’t been providing the spark that the label was hoping for since his emergence, with his debut Finally Rich. While he still commands a strong Chitown and street following, he has had trouble breaking into the radio crowd. Additionally, his troubles with the law haven’t made his case any easier. He did try to appease his bosses, moving to Los Angeles to be closer to their head offices, but it seems that it wasn’t enough. Without any word for when his sophomore album would drop and less than whisper mentions of his mixtape/EP, it seems that King Sosa has not been having a good go at it.

Keef remains optimistic about the situation and promises that the releases he promised will soon be fans’ hands. Look out for more information as we receive, here at the Source.

Jimi is still wondering whether he should take the Green line or the red line, someone help @Nativejimi