Technology is a wonderful thing, but is it making us lazy? BMW is developing a valet parking system that will allow you to park your car via smartwatch. Seriously? If you can’t park your own car, then you probably shouldn’t be behind the wheel. But hey, that’s my opinion. But hurray for innovation and this is probably a great thing for new drivers and other’s who can’t park.

Don Diva Magazine BMW_i3_Parking_Pickup_2The BMW i3 will be shown at the 2015 International CES in Las Vegas in January.  The driver could activate the “Remote Valet Parking Assistant” via an app, which then guides the vehicle into a parking spot all by itself. The laser sensors in the car scan the surrounding environment  so that it won’t hit or run over anything.

I personally can do without all of this self-maneuvering cars– however when they develop the technology that will allow me to transport myself from place to place through time travel, I will get excited and be the first in-line to zap myself off to the Caribbean.

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