
Hot stories around the web that you wouldn’t want to miss:

10 People Who Were Fired After Posting Sexy Photos Online
In today’s increasingly web-oriented, digital world, it’s easy to forget that posting photographs and other sensitive information can come back to haunt you.

Banksy Sells Near-Priceless Artwork On NYC Street For $60 And Only A Handful Buy It [Video]
The phrase “Art is everywhere” is commonly thrown around, and controversial street artist Banksy did his best to prove this point this week in New York.

10 Must Follow Menswear Tumblrs
These people aren’t even necessarily models or big names in the fashion industry. They just have a passion for clothing much like you and me, and they’re incredibly accessible.

Dancing Cop Tells Street Vendor To “Blow Me” [VIDEO]
Street vendor harassment is nothing to laugh about—according to Sean Basinski, director of the Street Vendor Project, low-level abuse of vendors by NYPD officers is an unfortunate everyday occurrence. And there’s nothing funny about vulgarity and disrespect…having said all that, the dancing, foul-mouthed female police officer in the video is the exception to the rule.

18 Playboy Playmates Who Were Flight Attendants
Final call for boarding — and we’re not missing this flight.

What Women Don’t Want To See On A Guy’s Dating Profile
Unless you’re in a seriously committed relationship, you probably have a dating profile somewhere in the internet universe. Your profile is your resume; it’s your first impression before the interview. Here are the guidelines to creating a stellar, guaranteed to win dating profile picture. You can thank us later.

Macklemore Prank Calls Women Scalping Tickets To His Show [VIDEO]
Macklemore got his Crank Yankers on the other day with a chick who was trying to scalp a few tickets to his hometown concert in Seattle, Washington. Due to the success of the prank Macklemore deciding to make this an ongoing stunt, hence the name of the video, Scalper Calls: Episode 1.

A Postal Worker Was Fired For Throwing Away Mail About Obamacare
Gus Ruiz, a spokesperson for the United States Postal Service, claimed that the former employee, “was running late and wanted to get back to the post office on time.”

The Awful Girls Who Decided To Take Their Shoes Off In Nightclubs [Photos]
To honor girls this shameless and of this nature, we decided to look through the internet to find photos of these shoeless vultures and put them on display, as they deserve to be, because there is nothing more of a buzzkill than seeing a girl barefoot in a nightclub.

Hilarious Prank: Two Dudes Walk Around, Eat Dinner, Ride The Bus — All In One Suit [VIDEO]
Watch this funny prank!