Where’s Ed Lover? Don Lemon needs infinite “C’mon Son’s.”

CNN’s Don Lemon has started 2015 similar to how a lot remember him from 2014.

While covering the tragic events surrounding 3 masked gunman rushing the newsroom of satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo that ultimately killed 12 people, CNN’s Don Lemon interviewed human rights lawyer Arsalan Iftikhar, who often comments on Muslim-American issues. Immediately after introducing him to his audience, Lemon asks, “What is your reaction to what happened, Arsalan?”

“Like millions and billions of people around the world, we were shocked and horrified to see what happened today at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris. It’s something that is against any normative teaching of Islam or any religious teaching. It’s a crime against humanity and an act of mass murder,” responded Iftikhar. Making it known that the deplorable acts of the three gunmen responsible shouldn’t reflect “normative mainstream teachings of Islam.” Following up by saying that “their acts are about as muslim as abortion clinic bombers or gay nightclub bombers are Christian.”

While this is all seen in the video above, let’s briefly change the subject.

A poll done by ICM Research asked people in Germany, France, and the UK whether they had a favorable or unfavorable view of ISIS. According to said poll, 16% of people in France that were surveyed say they support ISIS. Alarming, especially considering the alleged reasoning behind the massacre of 10 French journalists.

Don Lemon brought this information up while talking with Iftikhar, starting with “a lot of violent extremist use religion to justify their actions. Newsweek found, back in August, that 16% of French citizens support ISIS.” Lemon then asked, “Would you describe those that support ISIS as Islamic extremist?”

While answering, Lemon cuts Iftikhar off saying “point taken, I just want to get a more specific [answer.]” After repeating the question, Don “Obviously I smell Marijuana” Lemon added “Do you support ISIS.”


Jamaal Fisher (@jamaalfisher)