If people constantly look to our creative minds in the public eye to speak up against social injustice, look no further. After a short run as the lead in the Tupac inspired Broadway play, Holler If Ya Hear Me, Saul returns to creating music. This time it’s in reaction to all of the murders at the hands of local police. The disruptive production and composition of the song

To accompany the song, Saul penned an essay extended an annotated middle finger that explains the inspiration behind his feelings. It goes in detail on the journey of slave from Africa to the New World and how it has affected the world we live in today. These are the type of artists the world needs and fears at the same time.

Read our exclusive interview with Saul Williams. Saul Williams is set to release an album, Martyr Loser King, this Spring through Fader’s label

Bryan Hahn hopes the right people listen to this song the right way. He’s on Twitter (@notupstate).