Ever think about becoming a Life Coach? There are many who have and they’re linking up with Katapult Enterprises.

There’s a new trend on the rise. Influential business powerhouses, world class athletes and A-list stars who are utilizing their personal expertise by becoming life coaches and the movement seems to be spearheaded by Katapult Enterprises with their International Life Coach Certification Program and Celebrities For Hire.

But this program isn’t only for the rich and famous. It’s actually quite affordable and they even offer payment arrangements if you qualify. Anyone can acquire the same training and they do.

Katapult Enterprises has certified over 1,000 life coaches ranging from those who can’t afford college to the owners of Fortune 500 companies. Katapult is of the belief that coaches come a dime a dozen, that’s why their training is specifically designed to extract the individual’s passions and life experiences to pinpoint their key niche areas as a coach where they will inspire and invoke change in peoples lives.

The six week course is done one-on-one via one hour phone sessions once a week. Katapult’s robust training brings a dynamic, unique approach to the whole process via their belief in “Coachable Coaches” and “Coaching from the Core.”

And the results? Life Changing.

In 2010, Debye Swilley, the ex-wife of a controversial mega church pastor, Jim Swilley came out as gay. Her ex-husband is pleased with the process.”I am sitting here talking to you today, a better person because of the certification process,” he said.

Esteemed retired WNBA player Chasity Melvin has rocked out with Katapult as well and experienced thorough results: “One of my best decisions post playing career,” she said.

There are many video testimonials easily accessible on YouTube raving about Katapult’s training.

Check One Out

To become a Certified Katapult Life Coach or to take the course to create clarity of purpose, call Katapult Enterprises at 1.844.LIVE.VIP or visit www.katapultent.com/life- coach-certification/