
Last night AMC’s The Walking Dead left us dazed and confused, here’s some of ‘s favorite moments!

1. Who on earth is feeding the walkers rats from hand to mouth?

2. Tyreese finally makes it to second base with his new girlfriend Karen only be to told they should wait awhile. This isn’t the 80′s and you are NOT Lisa Lisa & the Cult Jam. Its now or never!

3. Why did it take so long for the group to notice Patrick chomping on some one’s leg? Don’t we all know what gurgling noises mean in the zombie apocalypse?

4. Why on earth would Carol think it’s a good idea to have Judy kill her own father before he turns into a zombie. You’d think the girls hysterical screams would allow them to be escorted out of the room. Great job Carol.

5. A virus?! You mean we have to run from flesh eating zombies AND fight airborne illnesses in the zombie afterlife. Will Vitamin C do the trick?

6. Why does Judy have more of an attachment to ‘Nick The Zombie’ than her on father?
As her younger sister says, “You’re so stupid.” Out of the mouths of babes!

7. AS Daryl and Rick have a bonding moment, hundreds of walkers attempt to break through the fence. Instead of plowing through the pack with a van or truck. Rick sacrifices the lives of 4 innocent little piggy’s. Pigs just don’t get the respect they deserve. Smh. Couldn’t the dead bodies in the tombs have sufficed?

8. Michonne takes a break from being a hard ass after her fall outside and shares a sentimental moment with baby Judith as tears stream down her eyes. Even in the after life tough sword swinging women yearn to be mothers. Awe, there is a tender side to Michonne.

9. Carl has gone from the whiny, cry baby little kid, to a great shot teenager with valid opinions. Why would Carl take away his gun for one mistake. Advice to Rick: Listen to Carl sometimes!

10. ‘Somebody Gon to jail today!’ **In my Ohio bus driver voice.
Who killed Karen before Tyreese sealed the deal? Tyreese is going to get to the bottom of this.


So many questions, so little answers.
Tune in next week for the next episode of The Walking Dead on AMCTV at 9pm!