Today the Department of Justice announced that Darren Wilson will not be prosecuted in the shooting death of Michael Brown.

Wilson, a former Ferguson, Missouri police officer shot and killed Brown, an unarmed 18-year old black male at a gas station convenient store within walking distance from the Canfield Apartments, where he resided.

According to the Department of Justice, there was “no evidence” to disprove Wilson’s testimony that he feared for his safety, nor was there reliable evidence that Michael Brown had his hands up when he was shot.

In the criminal investigation, federal officials concluded that his actions “do not constitute prosecutable violations under the applicable federal criminal rights statute.”

“We hope that the Justice Department’s finding that the Ferguson Police Department had a pattern and practice that violates the First, Fourth, and 14th Amendments of the Constitution, will result in an overhaul of the department,” said National Action Network President Reverend Al Sharpton in a released statement.

“As Martin Luther King Jr. said, ‘Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.” We will continue to fight until we see that change come.’ ”