Fashion, law, pop culture are all topical issues in today’s society. How rare is it that someone can seamlessly converge those topics?

Meet Kecia Clarke.

Known to her following as the Talk Boss, Clarke has used her expertise as an attorney and writer to become highly in demand by news networks like CNN and Fox.

Check Her Out

She’s da ma’am! But trust and believe, there’s a lot more to her than just television and law.

An accomplished entrepreneur, Clarke has developed multiple streams of incomes. It helps when those streams are built around things she actually enjoys like travel. After all, her first job was as a flight attendant at People Express Airlines. That experience set the table for what she does as an independent travel agent. “I traveled all over the world because of that job,” Clarke told The Source by phone.

“That really laid the foundation.”

Clarke lives by the adage of living life as if it was her last day. She also believes that one should work as if life goes on forever. That mantra is something that her grandmother taught her as a child and is surely a tool that she’s used to help folks currently.

With her newly released book, Designed To Inspire, Clarke aims to assist her readers into making their home a place where your family wants to gather. As a matter of fact, she can relate to it herself. Currently navigating through a pending divorce, Clarke is also raising children. As a result of the pending divorce, she remodeled the rooms in her northern New Jersey home to create new memories and excitement with her family. She realizes how the ‘fung schwei’ness,’ of a room, if you will, matters: “Each room in your home should encourage you to want to be excited,” she said. “Each room should inspire a particular feeling.”

Another cause that Clarke is passionate about is health and wellness. According to reps in her camp, she created a pilot for a show called Culinary Conversations. According to her bio on, in the age of obesity, fast food and fast living, health and fitness is an interest that she not only promotes, but personally lives by. She highlighted that lifestyle  in her Fabulous Foods For Health and Healing book as well as in her blog. On her blog, she encourages juicing: “Juicing has been around for centuries,” she wrote in a recent blog post. “Drinking the juices of raw fruits and vegetables as a path to good health was even touted in the early nineteenth century.”

Oh the many hats that she wears! 

Make sure to follow Kecia “Talk Boss” Clarke on Twitter @keciaclarke and visit her blog at