
Last night, ‘The Walking Dead‘ left us scratching our heads at some of its top moments, here’s a top 10 list of things that made us go ‘hmmm’.

Top 10 Unbelievable moments on last nights season 4 episode 3!

1. Tyreese becomes irate when he discovers Karen and David’s burnt bodies on the ground. After an emotional ‘Kanye rant’ he attacks Rick and after 2 monstrous punches to the face, Rick somehow gains the upper hand and pummels Tyreese into the ground.

2. Sasha comes stumbling out of quarantine in search of Dr. S coughing and spreading her disease into the atmosphere and the group talks to her without even covering their mouths.

3. Daryl and Michonne hatch a plan to go into town in search of medicine for the sick members of the group. Herschel says the animal vaccines are only 50 MILES away. There isn’t anything closer Herschel? Geesh!

4. Beth is secretly the biggest hard ass on the show. She didn’t bat an eye when her teenage love was eaten alive, And with little to no emotions she advises her big sister to keep it moving despite the fact that both her father and fiancee are sick and possibly dying.

5. Carol decides to fetch water after she kicked over the cooler out of guilt. Watching a swarm of walkers approach her from every angle she waits until the last second to recover. Her knife gets stuck in the corpse of a walker but luckily, Rick and his gun came to the rescue.

6. Out on their mission, Daryl, Michonne, Tyreese and Roy become distracted by voices on the radio and miss a sea full of walkers who swarm their car. Backing up, Daryl gets the car stuck over a hill of walkers and the group bail for the woods.

7. Tyreese–who appears to be past his limit, retreats in the car before becoming attacked by hundreds of walkers. He pulls out his crow bar and goes Hulk Hogan on the hungry walkers screaming, “Come On and get me!” Daryl, Michonne and Roy decide to run.

8. Once in the woods, Daryl hears a noise and Tyreese emerges from the woods, tired and exhausted as he collapses to the floor. Tyeese can take out hundreds of walkers but allowed Rick to beat him into the bloody ground.

9. Herschel goes into quarantine and Dr.S spits and coughs blood onto his face. Not fathomed by the lethal disease, Herschel takes off his cloth mask and wipes the blood off his face.

10. Rick somehow does an investigation and figures out that Carol killed Karen and David. Nonchalantly Carol replies, “Yes.”


Tune in next Sunday to AMC TV’s ‘The Walking Dead’ at 9pm!