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With nominees from over 90 countries, the Black Weblog Awards is one of the largest international Internet award events for Black bloggers. Founded in 2005, the award aimed to give recognition to Black bloggers, many whom were overlooked by other Internet award events.

The Black Weblog Awards has recognized over 180 blogs in more than 30 categories. The event has also been featured in several mainstream and online media outlets, including NPR, CNN, and others. Winners of the Black Weblog Awards have gone on to appear in other media outlets, like MSNBC, the Huffington Post, BET, and more.

GiantLife is a proud sponsor of this year’s 9th annual event! The award ceremony will be held on November 2, 2013, at The Ensemble Theatre in Houston, Texas. The blogger of the year will be revealed in addition to the winners of each of the categories. See the finalists from the Gaming or Comics category below:

Best Gaming or Comics Blog

The Spawn Point Blog

