18 year old Bobby Burns’ retro video goes viral
A video remix of Superman vs. Batman: Dawn of Ages has surfaced featuring Adam West as Batman and Christopher Reeve as Superman. The actual upcoming film stars Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill, but 18 year old Youtube editor, Bobby Burns wanted to create something more vintage in light of the highly anticipated film. Burns created his footage using the original superman film and the 1960’s Batman version. The video has already garnered over seventy thousand views. The actual “Batman vs Superman” Dawn of Ages trailer has been widely buzzed about across the country.
In Houston, fans stood for four hours just to get a sneak peek of the trailer at an Imax movie theater. Burns is a huge fan of the comic series himself and said he was anxious to see the trailer too. He told CNN that as soon as he watched the original he decided to create his own version. Burns said,
“I’m pretty hyped for Batman vs. Superman. As soon as I saw the trailer, my brain immediately went to the classic “Batman” [TV series] and I thought how funny it would be if this film was made at the time. Within an hour of the trailer going up, I went to work on the edit. Within four hours, my edit was finished and up on the Internet. The reaction has been great! It’s awesome to see so many people enjoying what I made.”
Take a look his trailer below
-Abesi Manyando(@abesipr0