Letter to my ladybugs:

I call my daughter “Ladybug.” I love her as much as any mother would and should love their child.  I’m glad I had a daughter because I am now able to teach her the things that I was never taught. I am able to guide her away from the things I encountered.  Having a daughter is one of the dopest feelings in the world. It’s like rewinding time, seeing yourself as a child, learning yourself all over again as you watch your child grow. It’s one of lifes most precious relationships. I look at all of the little girls in the world today through the same eyes that I view my daughter.  So I want to write this letter to you in case the woman raising you can’t find the words or isn’t around to tell you. I’m going to talk to you as if you were my child. You can share this with your child or with someone that you love as if they were your own.

There is a lot of madness and disespect toward women going on in the world and sometimes you just might feel hopeless, unworthy. You might want to throw in towel and conform to the fuckery that’s out there. Just know that I love you and as long as I love you, you will never walk without love. You will never feel lonely, you will never be misled, mistreated, misguided or misunderstood. You will always be the most beautiful person that at least one person in the world has ever laid eyes on. You little princess, one day will be a Queen and you should always think of yourself as royalty and as a leader meaning, you know what you want and you walk the righteous path to get it. No one is perfect, we all mistakes and that is what makes us human but do not be deterred by your mistakes or by people trying to keep you in your past. Do not be impressed and swayed by what you see on television. The images on the television is simply a tool to brainwash you into thinking that all you need in life to make it is to be some man’s arm candy, or some rich fools baby mama.

You my ladybugs are nobody’s candy or baby mama. You are someone’s wife, someone’s teacher, someone’s heartbeat, someone’s dream, someone’s everything. You are the pinnacle and the reason for any man that is in your life’s mission to work harder and be a better man, a respectful man. The love that your man has for you exemplifies his love for all women, you set the stage, the bar and break the mold in your mannerisms and your respect for yourself.

You are nobody’s bitch, hoe, whore, ride or die chick, baby mama or wifey. You are a woman and nothing less than a Queen, period. Do not let the voices of men on wax make you feel the least bit insecure nor let it sway your thoughts of yourself. Do not let the visions of half naked women on television appearing to be full of life fool you. Any woman that’s truly happy within would not have to seek validation on such a large classless scale.

To all of my ladybugs, I want you to know that you are beautiful and though life isn’t easy, it is worth living, worth trying and fighting for because as long as I am alive there is one person who thinks you’re worth it. You don’t have to strive to be perfect, just maintain that you are worth it!!! Let NO ONE tell you other wise or try to convince you with their actions that you should feel or be less than them or anyone around you. Someone is going to try to make you feel unworthy, someone is going to try to break you, someone is going to try to make you feel unpretty, someone is going to try to make you feel wrong, someone is going to try to make you feel as if you don’t belong.  Just know that you are not to be compared to anyone!  Your biggest competition is you. You are unique, special and serve a purpose.  You are beautiful in every single way and bigger than being some foolish man’s prize. You are wonderful even when life is feeling less than worth it.  In my eyes all girls are fucking perfect! When you know yourself and love yourself,  nobody can make you hate yourself.

Have you told your ladybug she was perfect today?


Deputy Editor of Don Diva Magazine

Books By Ayana Ellis on Amazon.com


The post A Letter To The Ladybugs appeared first on Don Diva Magazine.