So much talk about how to get a man, how to keep a man, how to stop a man from dissing you, how to avoid heartache, how to move on…. can we talk about being Happily Single though?

Being in a relationship is nice, but being single is not the end of the world! I mean sheesh! Why are so many of us so pressed to be in a relationship? Now sure, when you find the right one, there is nothing that can compare to the feeling of euphoria you experience when that Jones comes down on you, sweet baby jesus! When you are in love with a man and he with you and the two of you are having hot, sweaty, nasty, gutter, dirty iron staircase sex all day and night. You watch the sun rise and shine on him, he stares in your eyes and kisses your forehead with so much passion, you talk to one another 15 times a day about the same shit.  You know that its real when you can be around one another doing absolutely nothing and not be bored or feel pressured to do anything at all.  When you have a partner in life it gives you something to look forward to every day. Don’t you just love love?

What about when you’re single though? Do you still love love or nah? Are you mad, are you bitter, or are you out there living for the moment and enjoying being a single woman who has the ball in her court and on a good night two balls, hello! There is so much more to life than being some foolish man’s wife or some dudes flavor of the month or some “man childs” girlfriend or main bitch.

The world becomes your canvas when you are single. You have the option to choose and dismiss who you like and don’t like. Its like being self employed! You can make your own hours, take clients when you feel like like it, and make up the rules as you go along! When you’re single it is the perfect time to fix the errors of your ways, touch up the edges of your life, reinvent yourself into whoever you want to be and go out and choose or be chosen by the best of the best because you are in control of you!

Be single, be happy, travel, spend time with friends, go house hopping, go shopping, pick up some hobbies or simply do nothing but enjoy your own company and bask in the ambience of a wonderful you! You don’t have to keep busy when you are single to avoid the reality of being alone. Being single is not a death sentence and it doesn’t mean you are lonely and have to be miserable around the holidays or when you see “couples in love.” It just means the one worthy of you just hasn’t met your wonderful acquaintance yet! Besides if you can’t stand being by yourself or around yourself, how can you expect anyone to want to be around you too?

Be Great!

Deputy Editor of Don Diva Magazine, Author

The post ALL MY SINGLE LADIES! appeared first on Don Diva Magazine.