bynes court

This is becoming a trend, isn’t it.

Amanda Bynes is making headlines for all the wrong reasons yet again.

If she isn’t sending sexually explicit messages to or about Drake on Twitter, or showing up in court looking like an extra from Miley Cyrus‘ “We Can’t Stop” video, Amanda Bynes is apparently starting trouble at retirement homes. According to numerous sources, the former Nickelodeon star was possibly visiting relatives at a California retirement home, when her demeanor and actions began to resemble those of someone who had quite a few screws loose. Bynes was apparently severely intoxicated and causing a raucous outside the institution, and one TMZ source claims the actress started a fire in the driveway of someone completely a stranger to her, causing the fire department to rush to the scene, and law enforcement to promptly place Bynes on a 5150 hold, which is, in a nutshell, a 72 hour involuntarily detainment for the purpose of mental examination and evaluation.

We’ll make more details available as we learn of them.

-Khari Nixon (@KingVanGogh)