Amazon will join Target and not carry physical copies of Beyonce’s new self titled album.

While has still made the MP3 version available, the online merchant is apparently not stocking the CD version of Beyoncé. Should you want to purchase the album via Amazon you will have to rely on third-party sellers in the Amazon marketplace.

Merchants aren’t happy about the preferential treatment given to Apple but have chosen to carry the Beyoncé‘s album, which hit the streets recently after an iTunes’ week-long exclusive window, hold on the album. According to sources, Sony and Columbia managed to ship out over 500,000 units of the CD to meet the demand. Not to mention digitally it has sold 500,000 plus and the numbers keep growing.

Sources also indicated that Amazon may be considering further reprisals against Sony Music Entertainment and Columbia down the line. Hopefully they can find a way to satisfy everyones needs in this digital influenced world.

-RealWem (@RealWem)