Peace and blessings, my TheSource.com fam! I’m Ash Exantus, better known in these streets as ASH’CASH, aka Mr. “Mind Right Money Right.” NYC is the home base, but lately, people far and wide have been learning about my mission to help people live better – both financially and mentally. And, along with my self-diagnosis of Adult ADHD, I’ve been called “5 Hour Energy” on a regular basis. LOL
Some of you may know me from my popular “Daily Word” column on another major Hip-Hop site, or you may have seen one of my videos or articles on HuffPost and other popular websites. In my own neck of the woods, I’m now known as one of the youngest CEOs of a Federal Credit Union in the country. The thing is, I like to think of myself as “a Man on a Mission to Save Minds and Money,” and that’s my top priority, especially in my own community. I started from the bottom (the projects of Harlem to be exact), and now it’s time for me to help inspire and inform you to the top.
Since my goal is to help us WIN, effective immediately, you can check me out here on TheSource.com every Wednesday, which we will now call “Wins-Days” or “Ash Wins’Days!” to be right and exact!
Today, I want to kick off by giving you four quick tips that will set your life on the right track! [i.e. #WINNING!]
Way To Win Tip #1 – Pay Yourself First
This sounds risky if you have a lot of monthly bills, but the truth is, you’ll never get ahead without stacking some savings. Before you write out those checks to your bill collectors, squeeze a little from each paycheck for yourself first.
After the first of the year, if you’re one of the lucky millions of taxpayers who’s receiving a tax refund, you’re probably twerking or Harlem-shaking around your living room by April 15! But WAIT! Before you start making it rain in the club, consider that annual tax refund as your first step to financial freedom! Pay yourself first.
Saving is the name of the game for any smart baller…and while that tax refund ballin’ and paycheck splurging might be tempting, you can maximize for the long-term by setting a little aside first.
Way To Win Tip #2 – Budget Your Expenses
Money is a funny thing. Then again, when you don’t have any, there’s nothing funny about it! Getting your paycheck and then spending it all willy-nilly isn’t a good look. Budgeting is a great way of tracking where your money goes. When you know where it’s going, you’ll be more likely to control your spending.
Most of us have a few consistent bills – generally speaking, things like your mortgage or rent, car note, and some utilities stay the same each month. That’s the easy part of figuring out your budget. The rest requires some self-restraint and discretionary pockets.
Way To Win Tip #3 – Manage Your Debt
Managing your debt isn’t easy, I’ll agree. But getting a hold of it by the horns isn’t that hard either. Things like knowing you’re able to pay the minimum or more each month on your credit card payments is important. Simply put, don’t charge it if you ain’t got it!
Having an emergency fund (see also Tip #1 re savings) to be able to pay your mortgage if something goes wrong with your job will help ensure that your ability to pay on your debt doesn’t go haywire. And don’t even get me started about your credit report – that might be the #1 reason why people don’t have a grip on their debt. But don’t worry, I’m a certified FICO PRO, so I got you covered on the credit tip. Check back in the coming weeks…
Way To Win Tip #4 – Never Give Up
Just a few weeks ago, I shared a story with a friend/colleague who was going through some hard times about my own path to success. Source Fam, don’t get it twisted – Ash’Cash was NOT always shiny wingtips and cufflinks gleaming! I told my friend that when I hit some major snags just a few years back, I never gave up. I shifted some things around financially, made a few career moves, and kicked this Ash’Cash brand into high gear! And look at me now – I’m on TheSource.com! Ha!
This is just a sampling of what I plan to cover on “Ash Wins’Days” – there will be celebrity Q&As, Ash’Cash videos, and more. Catch you next week!
Get At Me!
Yep. You CAN Ask Ash’Cash! Tweet me your questions at
@IAmAshCash. For more info on my latest endeavors, visit
www.IamAshCash.com, and check out my latest book, “What the FICO
”, HERE.