assassin's creed 4 parkour teaser freerunning damien walters david belle best of collections 2012 2013 - assassin's creed 4 parkour teaser freerunning damien walters david belle best of collections 2012 2013

Parkour is French. It means ‘awesomeass freerunning sport that was, unfortunately, invented by the French.’

Despite it’s frustrating beginnings parkour has spread worldwide because it’s cheap produce and creates unbelievable stunts (and a lot of awesome injury reels).

Some insanely smart parkour person came up with an idea though. This someone dressed like a character from the Assassin’s Creed video game series and performed parkour stunts in the real world.

Since the Assassin’s Creed characters use parkour all the time anyway it’s a wonder no one thought to do this sooner. Because it’s pretty damned cool to watch.

This is a teaser for the full version coming soon to commemorate the release of Assassin’s Creed 4. So more sweetness is coming!

There are more where that came from though. And they only get better and better.