Posts By: Kevin Powell
Read The Liner Notes For The Tribe Called Quest Greatest Hits Album That Never Happened

Taken from an A Tribe Called Quest greatest hits album that never happened, hip-hop journalist Kevin Powell lays out why, exactly, ATCQ were the best.

Complex at the DNC: Obama Takes Non-Believers to Church

Barack Obama gave an electrifying endorsement of Hillary Clinton and passed the baton in an historic moment at the DNC.

Complex at the DNC: Bernie Bros Are Still Out In Full Force

Clinton received the nomination, but Bernie-or-bust folks are protesting America’s “rigged” two-party system.

Complex at the DNC: Philadelphia Is Wild, But It Feels Like Revolution

Though Sanders supporters shouted down the Democratic National Convention, everyone called for progress.

Complex at the RNC: Donald Trump’s Speech Was Even Worse In Person

Donald Trump painted a doomsday picture of America at the Republican National Convention.

Complex at the RNC: Ted Cruz’s Non-Endorsement and Other Messes

At the Republican National Convention, we saw sexist merch, arrested protesters, and Ted Cruz being booed off the stage.

Complex at the RNC: Chaos on Cleveland’s Streets

We explore Cleveland neighborhoods to see the Republican National Convention’s impact.

Complex at the RNC: What the First Day in Cleveland Was Really Like

The first day of the Republican National Convention nearly broke the internet—here’s what it was like on the inside.