With the exception of sites like VerseTracker and RapGrid there’s no battle rap brackets or standings. However, if asked most people who follow the culture could throw together a quick mock up of who the top dogs are.  However Top Tier battle rappers like Conceited and Hitman Holla have recently had their standings called into question by fans and league figureheads. Summer Madness 3 had a supposed theme of “Bars Over Names” even though un-disputably big names like T-Rex and Arsonal crowded the card.  The atmosphere of exasperation in battle rap has cleared the lane for the underdogs of the battle world to seize the moment.  Some have already done so while others wait in the wings.

A “Dark Horse” is defined as a little-known person or thing that emerges to prominence, especially in a competition of some sort.What makes a battle rapper an dark horse can be difficult to say, but here’s a list of 5 rappers that fit the criteria either because they’ve defeated big names against the odds, been railroaded despite their obvious talent, or been scoffed for reasons outside of battling.  We based our criteria on talent and how much they’ve had to overcome. Here are the Five Dark Horses of Battle Rap.