
Because we know you care, here’s what you might have missed:

19 Movies That If You Watch Backwards Have Really Funny Storylines
If you watch Thor backwards, it’s about a really good-looking man who repairs a bridge and visits earth, then slowly turns into a douchebag…

19 Things You’re Not Allowed To Do In Your 20s
…Unless you want everyone to judge you for no reason and make fun of your life choices.

Having Microsoft Office On Your Resume Is A Bad Look While Going In For A Job Interview
Every time I look at the line on my resume that says, “proficient in Microsoft Office,” I feel like an asshole…

Guy Takes a Bath in 300 Cans of Pepsi
He’s a little Pepsi challenged.

A Fart Critic Reviews Masterful Works of Fart

5 Beers That Prevent Premature Ejaculation
There are times, while buried deep inside the throes of a drunken humpfest, that it becomes difficult to maintain any level of solid pecker control.

5 Forgotten Nintendo Gems
Take a look back at some forgotten gems for each of Nintendo’s past consoles.

Meal of Champions: What Elite Athletes Eat for Breakfast
Athletes come in different shapes, sizes and skill sets, but one thing remains consistent when it comes to the best of the best: a good breakfast.

The 10 Snobbiest Cities In The US
Whenever you go visit these cities, be ready for stares, eyes rolling, intolerance, superiority, snootiness, disgust, etc. Just be ready for snobbiness.

A-Rod’s 10 Douchiest Moments
As MLB finally suspends him through 2014, we count down the most irritating incidents from the most aggravating career in sports history.